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7 Rules of Life; Unlock Your Best Self

Mystic Phenix

These keys unlocked the door to a truly blissful and peaceful life. Here’s my interpretation:

01.Let It Go; acceptance is key

  • Radical acceptance is the art of tolerating challenging situations, emotions, and people by consciously acknowledging and honoring them, even when you do not necessarily agree.

  • Embracing reality as it is, rather than ignoring, avoiding, or wishing for a different situation, is the first step in cultivating inner peace and resilience. When we fully accept the present moment, including its challenges and pain, we gain clarity and emotional resilience. Denying reality will prolong suffering and hinder personal growth, leading you to create and live in a fantasy.

  • Radical acceptance empowers us to work with the situation, learn from it, and uncover opportunities for transformation. With this mindful approach to life, we can eliminate tons of stress and worry.

02. Ignore Them; Be your own fuel

  • We are all on planet Earth as unique beings for a reason. Each person’s uniqueness is like a puzzle piece contributing to the bigger picture of our collective reality. Feeling obligated to adhere to others’ ways of thinking over your own, diminishes your birthright to add something special to that picture. Authenticity means living in your truths and being aligned with the core of your values, beliefs, and emotions.

03. Give It Time; It’s the only thing you’re promised

  • Any open wound goes through four stages to heal: hemostasis, inflammation, proliferation, and remodeling. By using a band-aid and specific creams, the wound can heal faster. Think of life in the same way. Over time, time itself can soften emotional pain. However, the type of attention and care we provide to our emotional wounds significantly impacts how they will heal. Addressing emotional wounds with care and compassion is essential for the healing process

04. Don’t Compare; Be stingy with your joy

  • Ever heard, ‘Comparison is the thief of joy’? By comparing yourself to others, you neglect to show appreciation for yourself in that moment. You subconsciously tell yourself that you are not enough. Comparison attracts the energy of competition. Why live a life where you are constantly in a rat race?

  • Comparison is composed of assumptions and false expectations. Think about it. When you compare yourself to someone, you are comparing your life to theirs without understanding the path they’ve walked, the challenges they’ve faced, and the obstacles they’ve overcome. You are looking at the end result of their journey. Be mindful of the limitations of comparison and instead, focus on our own unique journey and personal growth. By doing so, we can better appreciate our progress and accomplishments without being negatively influenced by external factors.

  • We also compare our present selves to our past selves. When we do this, we become people who live in the past. Life is about growth. Never try to go backward, always look for ways to improve, elevate, and do things differently.

05. Keep Calm & carry on

  • Are you familiar with the concept of the Monkey Mind? It dates back to Buddha and it refers to our inability to quiet our mind when there are many thoughts, ideas, and worries racing around like a fine game of Mario Kart. It is the opposite of having a calm mind. In any situation, a calm mind allows us to make good decisions while also allowing us to pause and reflect, rather than behaving reactively.

  • Calm minds can effectively reduce overthinking and anxiety. Engaging in deep breathing exercises promotes a sense of tranquility.

06 .Life Is On You; Life is for you

  • In life, you can’t control ANYTHING but YOUR thoughts, Your actions. The way we think determines how we feel. Choosing positive thoughts lead to happiness, while negative thoughts create a mental prison. Life is what YOU make it. It is a reflection of the choices we make second by second.

07. Smile; Go ahead. I dare you…

  • Smiling will raise your vibration and mood. Did you know, It takes about 47 muscles to frown and only 13 to smile? Smiling literally requires little to no energy. It produces positive effects on your nervous system associated with joy. Smiling even reduces the effects of depression, anger, and other low emotions.

  • When you smile, your brain releases neuropeptides, tiny molecules that combat stress. Additionally, neurotransmitters such as dopamine, serotonin, and endorphins come into play. Endorphins act as mild pain relievers, while serotonin serves as an antidepressant, contributing to the positive effects of smiling on our mental and emotional well-being

What doors will you unlock with these powerful keys of life?



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