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Power Of The Flame: Mystical Practices Of Candles🌟

Divine Wolfette

Fire 🔥 represents will, and power. The smoke represents its energy being released into the universe. Therefore, working with candles is ideal.

"It’s not that the candle does the magick for you, the candle serves as an external place to focus your intention and to direct that intention out into the world. If you don’t have your own personal sense of clarity in yourself and your intentions straight, the candle’s not going to help you,” says Naha Armády, the senior healer and teacher at House of Intuition in LA.


When working with candles, color holds much importance. In fact, Everything we deal with, has components that are symbolic subconsciously. Color psychology is a real thing! And, it is defined as;

the study of hues as a determinant of human behavior. Furthermore, Color influences perceptions that are not obvious, such as the taste of food. Colors have qualities that can cause certain emotions in people.

Now, let's get to the basics...

🌈Candle Colors 🌈


Known as the color of royalty, purple is aligned with the mystical arts. Want to improve your psychic power and open your third eye? I highly suggest burning a purple candle. They also represent wisdom, meditation, divination, uncovering secrets and knowledge, while deepening your spiritual awareness. I love pairing purple candles with amethyst, it makes my dreams so vivid and consciousness so much sharper! Purple can be used to balnce the 3rd eye chakra.


Like water, blue candles represent a flow of calm tranquility. Imagine how soothing the ocean, rain, or even a bath may be. It also represents emotional healing, wisdom, protection, forgiveness, communication, and calm meditation. My favorite way to use blue candles is, when applied to balancing my Throat Chakra. I do this to focus on my communication and speaking my truth unapologetically.


My favorite color! And the color to represent the Earth element. Green candles symbolize productivity on earth, emotional health, good fortune, abundance, and kindness. It inspires affection, helps us unwind, and it stimulates the mind. They are all about positivism and rejuvenation. This candle can be used to balance the heart chakra.


The color that represents my favorite element; Fire. It encourages love, passion, sex, action, courage, and strength. Red candles are used for energy, vitality, encouragement of passion, provoking anger, lust, and physical strength. I use red candles specifically, to invoke passion within. Red candles can be used to balance the root chakra.


White candles have a special power and can be used for almost anything. White represents unity of all colors and can be used to replace another color candle. It purifies the body, cleanses, protects, gives peace and comfort, and heightens spirituality. It connects you with the spiritual world quicker and to your ancestors. It also connects you with lunar and Goddess energies. You can also use them for protection, new beginnings and purity, healing, truth, meditation, peace, gratitude, harmony, to call on spirit guides, or to help calm the mind. The smoke from a white candle signifies the clearing of negativity. White candles can be used for all chakras.


The most powerful color =) candle and most versatile. Go figure? It absorbs and disrupts negative energies and thoughts, used for deep meditation, and it brings peace and silence.

Black candles can be used to bring about chaos or to bring about order. Also, black candles are used for negative binding forces, breaking up obstacles and blocks, and for protection. Paired with a white candle, it is even more powerful. I use black candles to cleanse areas and for protection.


My other favorite color, the color of the sun. It’s energy rules the logical side of the mind. Yellow enhances communication, meditation, clairvoyance, healing, improves memory, mental stimulation, encourages happiness and drives negative energies away while balancing and cleansing the solar plexus chakra. Yellow candles always bring me vitalizing energy!


The vibrancy of orange evokes ambition and creativity, strength, and individuality. Orange is energizing and promotes stimulation, joy, energy building, and courage. The orange candle aids in legal matters, achieving goals, cleansing negative attitudes, and bringing in enthusiastic joy. This candle can also be used to attract friends while aiding in emotional healing. When i feel down, I light an orange candle to restore strength and joy.


My most favorite color candle! Pink represents love without selfishness, the ego, and selfless emotions. It brings a calming sense over the soft femininity women possess. I use pink candles for self-love; welcoming love, embracing femininity, and having 'love energy' as well as the openness in being able to give it. Pink candles can be used to balance the Heart Chakra.

✨Learn How To Meditate & Set Intentions in Candle Magic 102 here


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