Instead of saying my favorite crystals, I will go with: the ones I like to keep on me and use often. Rose Quartz and Amethyst were the first two stones I was ever drawn to purchase. At first, I was not open to their abilities and did not believe so they did not work for me. Years later, after research and remembering I had them, and having an open mind, I cleansed and programmed. Afterwards, I immediately felt their energies in my arms!
The crystals I list have many properties that you should research.
I'm sharing, why they are special to, and why they have worked for me.
Rosey Baby!

Ooooh baby! Between Rose and Amethyst, idk which i love more. But Rose is my top go to stone. Rose has a soft soothing but powerful energy to it. It reflects & amplifies the feminine divine energy so much. When I first began working on my heart chakra, this stone assisted in opening me to loving myself, loving others, and allowing me to receive it while not being blind. When I am not in the best of moods, wearing the stone, or having it close, bumps my vibrations to a loving mood of peace, joy, and gratitude.
My Ammy Amethyst

My strong baby love, Amethyst. When I tell you, this stone is strong! Bayyybeee! …She is a strong one. When I hold this stone, the energy is powerful and stern, but loving. It emits a sense of getting to business. And honey, that is exactly what it does. I use Amethyst to balance my 3rd eye chakra, and to keep me conscious in thought. I also bought it to begin dreaming again since I had stopped, and to make my dreams vivid. The first night, I set intentions to dream into the crystal right before I fell asleep. I placed the crystal underneath my pillow. That very night, I had one of the most vivid dreams that delivered a powerful message. From then on, my dreams were restored, and I became more lucid within them. Then, slowly but surely, the stone assisted in elevating the way I thought and processed information. I noticed I would watch things like, the news and new thoughts such as ‘this is propaganda’ would arise. Songs that I have not heard in years or were not familiar with, would pop up in my head – I’d listen and boom!.. - messages to help elevate me. I can positively say, the stone helped me gain consciousness and assisted in opening my 3rd eye.
Together, Amethyst and Rose are BOMB! They both help elevate you mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. If you are healing or doing shadow work, keeping these two around you, are a must.
Lovely Labradorite

A stone of transformation, Labradorite promotes change. This is a stone that called out to me. I did not know what it was, it’s properties, or even how it looked. I just kept getting the name ‘labradorite’ in my head. It took me a while to look it up, but when I finally did, It immediately radiated strength and determination. The way the light reflects off this stone, reminds me to keep shining bright! The ancestors were looking out! It makes me feel as if, my spirits are raised and my vibrations were intensified. This stone helps me feel ready for change and transformation.
Green Aventurine

I love Green Aventurine especially, because it wears my favorite color. It connects to my heart chakra and to Earth. She promotes healing of the physical body, increases wealth and prosperity, protects my plants from electromagnetic pollution, transmutes negative energy into positive, encourages compassionate behavior, and promotes will power as well as confidence.

Selenite is awesome because, it never has to be cleansed and cleanses other stones it is around. Not only does it cleanse other stones, but it amplifies their energy as well. A few selenite sticks are immensely powerful in doing so, and are used on crystal grids which amplifies energy, and acts as doorways to energetic portals. I will go more into that in the 102. Selenite also aids in calming of the mind during meditation or relaxation. You can put these on windowsills or in the corners of your home or room to absorb negative energy. Put these out during full moons to absorb lunar energy.
Black Tourmaline

Tourmaline is so beauty-full! The deep dark black color, jagged -yet smooth texture makes me feel like I am holding power. It is one of my favorite protection stones. and when I hold it, it makes me feel safe and secure. As if it, forms a shield or guard of protection around me spiritually. It is popularly known to ward of negative spirits and negativity energy. It keeps the energy of an environment positive. If I am not wearing it around my neck or wrist or neck, I am carrying it in my mojo bag, purse, bra, sock, something! But it is on me. Btw, a mojo bag is a small bag worn or carried containing items, symbols, talisman, or good luck charms, to promote certain energy/vibrations.

Citrine makes me happy. When I need a boost in creative energy, I wear or keep this stone close. It stimulates the brain, and boost intellect. In addition, it promotes motivation, activates creativity so beautifully, encourages unapologetic self-expression, while enhancing concentration, allowing me to focus. In addition to all that greatness, citrine is great for manifesting and gives me vibes to be positive, energetic, gracious, and to believe in my wildest dreams.
Tiger's Eye

I love Tiger's Eye diversity. It is so powerful and versatile, you will need to have it, and so strong you will get called to wear it daily. For one, this stone makes me feel extremely protected while traveling, no matter if it’s to the grocery store or, overseas. The stone also aids in allowing me to think clearly with more focus. Tiger’s eye is good for making me feel very grounded as well. Anytime I meditate with tigers’ eye I feel empowered, yet grounded and balanced. It is also said to be a good luck charm, and I think it’s due to its natural attracting beauty. Its puts it on a vibration to attract beautiful things.
Calming Howlite

Ahh, Howlite. Another stone that called out to me in which, I had no prior knowledge of. I love the name. Don’t you? Reminds me of wolves. Now thinking about it, the color does also. Beautiful white and gray reminds me of those snow wolves. Maybe that explains the calming sense I get from them. Howlite is called the stone of memory, knowledge and progress, and is said to encourage reasoning, observation, discernment, patience and tact. Just holding it, emits a strong sense of patience and soft tenderness especially in approach and perception. It also diminishes stress and anger.

Finally, carnelian is known as one of the most powerful good luck stones. It’s a special lil guy. It really taps into my creativity and motivation. It's said, just looking at its color stimulates passion, motivation, confidence, and joy. And no lie, when I hold or even look into this stone; my body, and my concentration goes in a light trance that feels relaxing and leaves me feeling elevated. This stone boosts my ego and somehow reminds me that, I Am a master creator.