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Access Hidden Realms: Subconscious Mind 101

Divine Wolfette

‘ You Have A Mind &

You Should Learn How To Use It ’

Do you consciously think about breathing, regulating digestion, or managing circulation? No, those tasks are effortlessly handled by your ever-working subconscious mind.

‘’ The conscious mind is like the captain of a ship, responsible for steering and directing, While the subconscious mind is like the crew working behind the scenes, effectively supporting the captain’s directions. ‘’

“ Watch your thoughts; they become words.

Watch your words; they become actions.

Watch your actions; they become habits.

Watch your habits; they become character.

Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.”

Your subconscious does not rationalize the thoughts your conscious mind gives it. All it knows is, the conscious mind believes it, so therefore it is true.

Understanding The Subconscious Mind

Deep within the wonder of our minds lies the subconscious. A boundless library that stores our experiences, fears, beliefs, and habits. Every piece of our existence finds a home here. This hidden realm has a significant influence over our thoughts, behaviors, and emotions, orchestrating their delicious connection. Scientifically speaking, around 90% of our brain’s activity resides within this hidden domain, while a mere 10% operates within the conscious realm of our awareness.

The conscious mind, also known as the realm of awareness, grants us the ability to make decisions, analyze information, and respond intentionally to our surroundings. It is closely connected to our self-awareness and enables us to focus our attention, engage in logical reasoning, and carry out purposeful actions.

3 common ways the Subconscious Realistically Manifest

  • Automatic habits and behaviors are a testament to the power of the subconscious mind. Consider the simple act of turning on the lights when entering a dark room or checking the water temperature before stepping into a shower. These actions are often performed without conscious thought, relying on the programming of our subconscious mind.

  • Emotional responses can arise from subconscious processes, leading to sudden feelings of joy, fear, or anger without an immediate conscious understanding of their origin. These occurrences are commonly referred to as emotional triggers.

  • Have you ever noticed how someone’s facial expression can react before they even speak? It’s fascinating how body language, such as facial expressions or tone of voice, can reveal our hidden thoughts and emotions, often operating beyond conscious control.

“The subconscious mind accepts and acts upon the repeated thoughts of the conscious mind without rationalizing or questioning its validity. The subconscious mind readily grants significance to the ideas and instructions received from the conscious mind without subjecting them to critical analysis “

According to Joseph Murphy, the author of "Power of the Subconscious Mind," when thoughts are communicated to our subconscious mind, they create impressions in brain cells. Once a thought takes root in our subconscious library, it sets into motion without delay, harnessing our boundless power, energy, and wisdom. This process aligns with the natural laws of the universe to bring about the desired outcome.

If you maintain a negative outlook on the world, you tend to draw in negative individuals, circumstances, and energy, as your mind becomes accustomed to such patterns. If you maintain a positive outlook, you are more likely to attract positive individuals, circumstances, and energy.

Your conscious thoughts act as seeds that bloom in your subconscious mind. The conscious mind demands while the subconscious mind supports.

Your subconscious realm does not understand ‘good’ or ‘bad’ because those words are rational words based on perception. And so, it does not know the dangers of bringing negative energy your way if you accept it as an ongoing thought you believe in. It only knows; ‘make happen’.

Due to this, if your conscious mind believes something to be true, no matter what, your subconscious will align you with it. This is the Law of Attraction. ‘Whether you can — that is true, whether you cannot — that is also true’.

The day I started telling myself I can, I did. When I am exercising, I replace counting with affirmations, constantly repeating ‘I can do it’. It becomes effortless. However, concentrating on counting or emphasizing its difficulty diminishes my willpower, strength, and ability. The power of I CAN, aligns you to vibrate highly and to succeed.

“ I AM sets the tone for who you are claiming to be ”

Be Careful of Negative Suggestions:

I’m Broke!

I Can’t Do it!

I’m Dumb!

Do any of these sound familiar? Can you think of any more common negative suggestions you repeat? We’ve all said these things at one point in our lives. It may seem like harmless jokes but be careful, your subconscious mind is listening.

Instead, try:

I am Broke! ➡ I don’t have it right now.

I Can’t Do it!➡ How can I do this?

I’m Dumb!➡ I lack knowledge in this. I made a mistake.

Negative suggestions can have a detrimental impact on our thoughts, beliefs, and overall well-being. Entertaining negative suggestions exposes our subconscious mind and influences our perception and behavior. It is crucial to be mindful of the suggestions we allow into our minds, focusing on positive and empowering thoughts instead. By consciously choosing positive suggestions, we can nurture healthier confidence, an optimistic mindset, and a strong sense of self-worth.

When we mentally consent to thoughts with our conscious minds, it becomes an entertained idea. This idea then becomes a belief that forms our mindset and shapes our perception of reality. Our conscious agreement with a thought sets the stage for its manifestation.

What Are You Feeding Your Mind?

It is important to be conscious of the media we consume and the content we expose our minds to. The music we listen to, with its repeated words and messages, can deeply impact our subconscious realm. If we consistently immerse ourselves in low vibratory music that focuses on themes like drugs, sex, and violence, it leaves a lasting impression on our minds. Similarly, the choice of movies, TV shows, and reading materials can significantly influence our mindset and spiritual well-being. Remember, your mind is always listening- even while you’re asleep. It is crucial to consider the impact of our media choices and strive to balance entertaining content with content that nourishes our minds and lays the foundation for a more uplifting reality.

Equip your conscious mind to be a warrior that protects your subconscious powerhouse. You decide what gets into your house.

You are the creator of your reality.

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