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Power Of The Flame: Using Candles for Meditation & Intention Setting

Divine Wolfette


One of my favorite ways to meditate, and most successful, is candle gazing. Candle gazing is when you intensely focus on a candle flame for about ten minutes or more, without thinking consciously. Just allowing your mind to focus and become one with the flame, falling into a trance.

Begin By:

Taking a few deep breaths to relax. I love burning incense, smell goods sooth the mind. Close your eyes and watch your breath as you inhale and exhale for about five or more times. This allows the breath to settle down and bring you into the present moment since breathing is not something we usually think about.

  • When You are calm, begin to stare at the candle flame. Keep your vision focused and steady on the flame without blinking, for as long as you can - but do not concentrate on that. Be as clear in thought as you can. The idea is to escape conscious reality.

  • Keep your gaze on the flame! If thoughts pop up in your mind (i wonder what i did with the remote) , just show awareness and then quickly, quickly, ignore them. Work to strengthen your will, focus, and your awareness.

I like to do this in a dark room or while in a bath, in the dark. The gentle soothing movement of the flame constantly reminds the me to concentrate which, halts all present thinking. It is the easiest way to meditate and obtain downloads or knowledge from your higher self.

This also includes, opening up your third eye (pineal gland). You will immediately feel the benefits in energy, concentration, and active thinking/clarity.

Some other benefits, (according to google) include:

  • Improved eyesight & vision

  • Improves concentration, intelligence, and memory

  • Excellent method as preparation for yoga, studying, reading, relaxing, writing

  • Enhances self-confidence, patience, and willpower

  • Develops greater work efficiency and productivity

  • Calms the mind and provides inner peace and silence

  • Brings greater clarity in mind and improves decision-making ability

  • Helps to overcome mental, behavioral, and emotional ailments

  • Provides stress relief and deep relaxation

  • Deepens the sleep and cures sleep related disorders such as headache, insomnia, nightmares, etc

Setting Intentions🌈

Fire 🔥 represents will, and power. The smoke represents its energy being released into the universe. Therefore, working with candles is ideal.

"It’s not that the candle does the magick for you, the candle serves as an external place to focus your intention and to direct that intention out into the world. If you don’t have your own personal sense of clarity in yourself and your intentions straight, the candle’s not going to help you,” says Naha Armády, the senior healer and teacher at House of Intuition in LA.

Setting intentions, is when you declare with belief, what you intend to accomplish through your actions.

Candles are basically a tool that ignite intentions. Just how a speaker when connected to a phone, makes music louder; candles enhance.

One way I love to set intentions with candles is, by first picking the appropriate color candle for the situation I want to elevate or become balanced in. For instance, if I am working on self-love, I use a pink candle. Next, comes thinking about the intention I am trying to bring into fruition. Usually, my intention for self-love is to; ‘Be able to welcome in love energy, be able to give it, and to be able to trust myself'. Then, I relax myself by taking about 5 (or however many) deep breaths until my body feels at ease. Lastly, (in a dark room sometimes pitch black) I will intensely stare into the flame while constantly repeating my intention (in your mind or whatever works for you). Not only am I repeating, but I also visualize.

I visualize light flowing into and out of my body, as well as my heart. Since, my example deals with the heart chakra, I imagine green light , the color representing it. Or, I envision whatever or whoever makes me happy and brings me joy. I envision what i want. I see it, feel it, TASTE IT! The visualization can be something or someone in this present reality, or in your future reality. When you envision your future, you are putting those vibrations into the universe and letting your subconscious mind know, these are goals you are setting and working to realize.

We are driven by our subconscious mind.

The universe

in return, makes sure to align you on the path to making these things become your reality. That is why, Albert Einstein said, ‘imagination is more important than knowledge because, everything we see and have in the physical world, first began as a thought or idea in the mental world. Meaning,

we give birth to ideas before it becomes reality. As Above, So Below.

So, you have to imagine it, and believe it, to achieve it. Constantly repeating intentions, allows for it to become a belief!

This can be done without being in a dark room also. Sometimes I enjoy listening to some feel good music while burning incense and having an attitude of gratitude.

I’d like to note, candles are only a tool to help. Your mindset and actions is what will always get you where you need to be. There are many ways to use candles. Simply lighting one and listening to music while you write or dance can energetically put you on a vibration or level to manifest your intentions.

The candles I offer on this site which are also pictured so lovely on this post😁, are dressed with natural herbs, oils, and dried flowers. Herbs, oils and flowers are also, other tools that magnify the properties of candles. For instance, roses represent love, passion, and sacrifice. The herb basil, represents prosperity. Oils such as lavender, bring about peace and calmness. Paired with the power of the flame, dressed candles or, candles including ingredients, magnify a candle's power.

So, Light up a candle and let it smoke. But don't forget, YOU are also the candle that can be lit. And, you carry 'all the smoke' 😎🔥



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